Help they crashed!
@Richie I dont need any work its just a delivery at minute
they are anyway hahah
@MWeston No, starts with Jeff, ends in Black
Some people are a waste of oxygen anyway.... no loss
@Reggie Ray Barrier jumped out on me and flipped few times
@OfficerKingstonLSPD Never touched the stuff
Sweet 10k from bricks, ill take that!
@MWeston Lies!!! The guys still charging $25! Feel scammed!
Mechanic available for a paintjob?
Where does one sell bricks? Like house bricks?
@spike Hello!!
@MWeston 7042
Can a cop imound a car if the owner is asleep? If so, i want a car removed from my house
No fucking whale?!
Where does 1 buy a jerry can?
Any mechanic available?
i wanna ingregnate her
its my mum
whenever they come into the city they are always part time. Only work when they want too
refine your petrol
{{{money_mouth_face}}}{{{money_mouth_face}}} Hope you find a good lawyer. Can sense a comp claim
ha ha ha I aint no lawyer! Barking up the wrong tree there